"...sory my English I will tray my best, 14 years ago i delivered bby girl... I couldn't tkr baby, I don't have money, than someone advised me. To give my doughtr in orphan, me and my husband, even we sad, we should choose betr life to our doughtr, ...but bfor agree the orpang manger ...promised, we can visit her every 6 months, when we go to see our doughtr, they told as, she travel to Canada, .... My doughtr stolen by ...agency, With out my pirmtion. ...my doughtr now she is 14, but she know her birth family is dead, but we r alive, both, we r still together."
"Where is my sister?"
"I am missing my daughter,"
"Lost my child to adoption,"
"We are searching for my child,"
"I am a victim of adoption trafficking,”
"Our children were stolen for adoption."
"We want justice."
"Stop child trafficking for international adoption."
"Children have rights. Children are not commodities."
~Courtesy of Against Child Trafficking, Arun Dohle, Field Researcher
"Mom returned for me, and I was gone. Disappeared. Kidnapped! In a few hours, my first name, my country, my mother were all changed.
From the outside, I offer the appearance of a quiet, obedient, docile kid. But inside, it's bubbling, it's swirling. The little Haitian I am in my heart, can't thrive."
Tinan Leroy,
Contributor Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists
“I want study English ! ! because, i want talking with my son. He is addaping(?) 2003`form seoul,to U.S.A.. I am waiting … for meet, longlong time ! help me please"
"How can you just take a child from a home? They must have thought no one would ask questions! Did they leave anything behind? Some paper? How can anyone take away a child without my signature?"
Film: Search a Child, Pay Cash. The Adoption Lobby.
~ Courtesy of Roelie Post, Civil Servant of the European Commission and whistleblower
"Members of the Evangelical Orphan Movement have declared WAR on me for speaking truth to power. They believe God is on their side. They have vilified me. They have painted me as “bad” and “evil” for defending families separated by adoption, and they might do the same to you if you do not comply and follow their agenda, which claims adoption is a “win-win for all.”
"I was given a “Certificate of Orphanhood” to be processed for overseas transracial intercountry adoption almost fifty years ago; however, no evidence was given that I was a real orphan. My adoption file does not include death certificates of immediate and/or extended family members, or even one police report proving that my family had been searched for at one time or another."
"Girls were banished to an unknown future and sent to giant grey institutions in remote locations. ...Thousands of girls were instructed to leave and never return after 'shaming the family's good name.' ...Other's were told not to even think of returning with their 'bastards' but to return without their baby."
~Paul Redmond
Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists Contributor and author of The Adoption Machine: The Dark History of Ireland's Mother and Baby Homes
"I suspect that my child may have been snatched for adoption by the Catholic Church. In the early 1960s, my wife went to a regular doctor appointment and all seemed fine. A C-section was scheduled for the next day. Sadly, our daughter was stillborn. The Presbyterian Church I was an elder at encouraged us to adopt three children. But, today, due to the stories from parents of loss in Spain by a secret underground network of priests, doctors, nurses, and nuns, I wonder if our daughter taken by the Catholic Church is still alive. We will never know."
"I am an advocate for freedom FROM religion. I am against proselytizing of any kind, I do not name the University from which I obtain my degree, nor my religious affiliation. I will admit that the degree is a cross between western religion and Eastern Philosophy. It took me more than twelve years and three attempts to write a passible final dissertation and thus received a ministerial doctorate in the summer of 2019."
"I disapprove of colonialism and imperialism. I am an advocate for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and all universal human-rights treaties enshrined in the United Nations and in the nation-states, which align with and recognize innate human rights. I am the only minister you’ll ever meet who disapproves of organized fundamentalist religious leaders and any dogma that pushes their agenda onto other people’s children."
"The daughter of the adoption pioneers refused to give me my complete adoption file when I requested, but instead told me to imagine what my life would have been like had I stayed in Korea. We all know what she wants me to say: "that she saved me. I don't have time for the runaround. I've been a full-time caregiver for my adoptive parent since the early 1980s. There's too much work to be done for me to spend time on this problem."
It is urgent that the public knows that there is an ignored side of overseas, transracial, international, and domestic adoption, and as a consequence adoption trafficking continues to be forgiven while families are unnecessarily separated. Adopted? A searching family member? Join the private group discussing "Adoption Books for Adults" in Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Network to learn about the concerns and potentially aid in educating the public on the hidden side of the practice. In doing so, you will be preserving and protecting local and global families from the devastation of missing children and the life-long aftermath.
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